Severe Weather
Severe Weather Guidance
In the case of severe weather, we shall try as far as is practical and safe to open and would ask you to take a sensible decision about whether it is safe for you to travel to school.
If it is necessary to close the school, information will be communicated via our website (; OpenCheck and the school’s Twitter feed (@StChadsCroydon). Announcements will also be relayed through the ParentMail system.
Please bear in mind that a thorough assessment of the situation needs to be made before deciding whether to open, including whether there are sufficient numbers of staff able to travel to school in order to ensure a safe pupil to staff ratio.
In the event of needing to close the school early due to severe weather, we will use the same communication lines and try to send text messages.
Please ensure that you update your ParentMail accounts so that the system has the correct details.