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Week 5

Year 4- Week beginning: May 18th


This week the topic is: Tenths and Hundredths

Please use think link to follow the weekly lessons from White Rose Maths.

On this link are daily videos to introduce what you will need to know in order to be able to complete the worksheets.

Please use this link on White Rose in order to get a copy of the worksheets every day.


Please open the attachment below to find notes and work for the next few weeks. We are learning all about Pentecost.  


This week we would like you to do a piece of writing all about the Blue Whale. Please open the appropriate attachment below to find out what you can do each day of the week. 

On Thursday and Friday, please focus on spelling and grammar. Suggested activities have been listed in the plan attached below.  


Please read the information, watch any videos and carry out the tasks. We are learning about food chains.

See the attachment below for some worksheets relating to food chains.