Music Curriculum Intent, Impact and implementation statement
We aim to create
Ambitious, Creative, Musicians
To provide a musical curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge, enjoyable experiences and improved well-being.
At St Chad’s Primary School, we intend to provide a Music Curriculum that develops a curiosity of the subject. We aim to give every child the opportunity to gain an understanding and acceptance of all types of music, encouraging them to imaginatively wonder and develop skills through listening, reflecting, singing, performing, evaluating and composing across a wide variety of styles, traditions, musical genres and historical periods.
Every child participates in weekly whole class Music lessons of 35 mins which is led by our Music teacher. We also use a combination of topic related activities and music appreciation to broaden their music genre knowledge. Singing is key to promoting emotional well-being, therefore each class participate in weekly singing practice to learn songs and hymns. The whole school also attend singing Collective Worship. The Rock Steady Music Club, runs on Mondays during the school day and is available to children in KS1 and KS2
Composing and performing using body percussion and vocal sounds is part of the curriculum, which develops their understanding of musical elements without the added complexity of an instrument. Children will learn musical skills such as rhythm, pitch and reading notation, which they will transfer when learning to play various instruments, allowing them to gain new skills and techniques such as strumming and plucking.
At the end of the academic year, judgements are made from evidence of how the children are doing. Evidence is drawn from observations made, performances, work, discussions and pupil voice about the content they have studied.
These judgements will form an assessment of the learning taking place. An assessment tracker is used to record Music skills progression that show us whether the children are working towards age related expectation, working at age related expectation or exceeding age related expectation in Music.