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History Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

We aim to create

Curious, Enquiring, Historians


At St Chad’s Catholic Primary School our topics are driven by historical events and provide a broad and balanced knowledge rich history curriculum across all year groups. Our framework is designed to cover all aspects required by National Curriculum. It is taught through five major strands, which are repeated in all history topics across all year groups from EYFS to Year 6, allowing our children to make links within their learning. Our history curriculum aims to develop a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. The curriculum will support children to be able to talk about; way of life, conflict and resolution or monarchy and change through all historical periods.

‘I wonder’ questions at the beginning of each topic encourage pupils to think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History lessons help the children of St Chad’s to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.



At St Chad’s, the teaching and implementation of the History Curriculum is linked to our half termly or termly topics, which are based on the National Curriculum and carefully planned to ensure a well-structured, cohesive approach to the subject.

Each project begins with a ‘I wonder…’ question which is used to engage the children in asking questions and enquiring about the forthcoming topic. The question is then answered at the end of the topic, which can be in form of an extended piece of writing, project or a diagram.  Each topic is split into 5 strands, which run through ach history topic allowing children to ‘link their thinking’ and draw comparisons regarding periods in history.

1. Monarchy and Change

2. Faith and Beliefs

3. Way of Life

4. Inventions and Their Impact

5. War, Conflict and Resolution


At St Chad’s, children have an opportunity to record their learning in a variety of ways. Evidence of learning is dependent on lesson’s outcome, children’s age and ability.

In EYFS, children use their own experiences and the experience of our community to learn how things change over time. Children are given opportunities to talk about past and present events in their lives and in the lives of member of their families. They consider key changes in their own lives - bringing in baby photos and discussing the changes to their own bodies as they have grown. They then progress to thinking about changes in the world around us.

In Key Stage 1, children learn about the lives of significant individuals from the past, who come from a variety of countries and heritages. We are a diverse school with children from many cultural backgrounds, and our curriculum reflects this diversity.

In Key Stage 2, pupils continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local, and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study. They are encouraged to make connections between historical events and similarities between empires and civilisations over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms. Pupils will be supported and encouraged to ask historically valid questions to further their understanding of the period of history, as well as making links to the personal histories of the class and the significance of these to their current lives. By supporting children to consider the impact and influence of events in living memory on their own lives and those of their family and peers we aim to develop their cultural capital.


Children at St Chad’s have the opportunity to record their learning in a variety of ways. Our history curriculum makes a profound and positive impact on the learning outcomes of every pupil. Core knowledge in each unit is supported by our long term plans, which detail the key learning points, vocabulary and key questions.  Appropriate links are created with other subjects to enhance the curriculum and learning experience.  Evidence of the learning is dependent on the lesson outcome, year group and the skills and knowledge being developed. This can be in the form of extended writing, photographs of practical activities, historical timelines or speech bubble comments on relating the learning.