In England and Wales, data would suggest that students, who have ever been in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) or Children Looked After’ (CLA), are less likely to make good educational progress than students who haven’t. The reasons for this correlation are complex and no actual causal relationship has been proven. However, the government has a stated aim to narrow this gap in attainment and since 2011 has provided additional funding to schools to support them in so doing.
Principles for supporting socially disadvantaged pupils:
At St Chad’s Catholic Primary Schools we ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils.
We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are specifically assessed and addressed.
In considering provision for socially disadvantaged pupils we recognise that not all pupils eligible for FSM will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are eligible for free school meals.
Pupil Premium funding will be allocated based on a needs analysis, reflecting these considerations and which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals.