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Here you will be able to access information regarding Coronavirus. 

Welcome to GOV.UK

Click on the links below for the most recent government advice.


NHS: Test and trace: how it works

How NHS test and trace service works

Part 1: for someone with symptoms of coronavirus

  1. isolate: as soon as you experience coronavirus symptoms, medical advice is clear: you must self-isolate for at least 7 days. Anyone else in your household must self-isolate for 14 days from when you started having symptoms

  2. test: order a test immediately at or call 119 if you have no internet access

  3. results: if your test is positive, you must complete the remainder of your 7-day self-isolation. Anyone in your household must also complete self-isolation for 14 days from when you started having symptoms. If your test is negative, you and other household members no longer need to self-isolate

  4. share contacts: if you test positive for coronavirus, the NHS test and trace service will send you a text or email alert or call you with instructions of how to share details of people with whom you have had close, recent contact and places you have visited. It is important that you respond as soon as possible so that we can give appropriate advice to those who need it. You will be told to do this online via a secure website or you will be called by one of our contract tracers.


What parents and carers need to know about schools and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak

Information for parents and carers about educational provision for critical workers, school closures, exams, free school meals and home schooling


Help children aged 2 to 4 to learn at home during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Government guidance - help children aged 2-to-4 to learn at home during coronavirus covid-19



Help primary school children continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Government guidance -help primary school children continue their education during coronavirus covid-19



Supporting your children's education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Government guidance supporting your childrens education during coronavirus covid-19



Help children with SEND continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Government guidance help children with send continue their education during coronavirus covid-19