The St. Chad's PTFA is an organisation of parents, teachers and church community. Our role is to encourage closer links between home and school, organising events that bring our teachers, pupils, parents and members of the local community together.
Who are we?
Kamisha - Chair Perpertual - Vice Chair Ukachi- Treasurer
Sophie - Year 1 Joanna - Year 1 Joanna Year 3
Vivian - Year 4 Pauline - Chair Eki - Year 6
What do we do?
We raise funds through various events over the school year - Christmas and Summer Fairs, Discos, Pizza nights. Other activities include uniform and lolly sales throughout the summer months.
Funds raised by the PTFA are used to provide extras not provided for in the school's main budgets, such as funding of the school mini-buses. To help to make learning and activities more interesting and exciting, and open up new opportunities we can take part in.
How can you help?
We are always looking for volunteers and ideas, so please feel free to come and have a chat with us about how you can contribute.
Thank you for your continued support.