All our parents and carers are actively encouraged to be part of St. Chad's PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends' Association).
The PTFA are currently raising funds to develop the school further and support the school's funding of the mini-buses.
The PTFA have a cabin near the school gate.
Thank you for your continued support.
Dear Parents, Carers & Parishioners
We are trying to raise money for new resources for our children in the school.
Computer Suite & Ipads
Musical Instruments
Playground (Sensory Area)
Being a voluntary aided school, we rely heavily on parents and teachers’ contributions to allow children to attend school excursions and extra -curricular activities as the funding from local government is limited.
Our computers are 15 years old and the iPad even older, we have a limited number of musical instruments for the children to play with and our playground is just a clear space.
We have recently introduced a school Trust Fund to support a Maths, English and Science homework subscription but, at present we can only afford to fund a Maths Subscription. Please if you can give more than £20 we have initially asked for it will go along way to help us reach our goal.
Our aim to make sure that all children are equal and that they are given the opportunity to excel in primary school.
with a good education ‘anything is possible’ we would like to deliver the best possible start for our children from Nursery through to Year 6 (5 – 11 years). However, to do this we need your help!
“We believe that all children should be given the chance to become the best possible versions of themselves.”
Kindly look at our plan on our ‘Go fund me Page’, any contribution would be greatly appreciated, even if you were to share this on your social media, we would be so grateful.
Also, if you know of any businesses, family or friends who would be willing to help in any way to please give them the ‘go fund me’ link to our page.
We are thankful for your invaluable time and support which you have
granted on these children we aspire to help and us.
Yours sincerely
Anne-Marie Ross
On behalf of St Chads PTFA
077254 41069
St Chads RC Primary PTFA
Alverston Gardens
South Norwood SE25 6LR